PAPERCLIP earphone | 迴紋針耳機 new arrival

:: PAPERCLIP earphone | 迴紋針耳機 ::



Design Concept and Product Description

Put on the earphone. Act cool. Get ready.Connect to the audio device. Signal the leading musician to start. PLAY, from vibrant Jazz to melancholic Blues, from affectionate Classics to fierce Rock ‘n Roll. Every note is on pitch; every beat is flawless. When dancing queen breed bad romance, Rubber soul smells like teen spirit, film star seek and destroy stairway to heaven, accidentally the cord is pulled off. Interrupt. Pause. My private concert ends up with disappointment.

用帥氣的姿態戴上耳機就定位, 接上音源,向心中的首席樂手下達暗示指令PLAY,從熱鬧爵士到憂鬱藍調,從古曲抒情到搖滾暴走,每一個音節都無懈可擊,正當世界被寂寞綁票陰天站在高崗上吻別BAD ROMANCE忽然之間開始懂了我要的幸福… 此時卻意外發生耳機線被扯開的慘劇, 精心策畫的個人專屬音樂會只好失望收場…

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25TOGO DESGIN stages smart PAPERCLIP earphone to enhance user experience by solving the problems of swinging cords and cord storage. Once you put on the earphone, use the paperclip device to ‘wear’ the cord on collars, pockets, or bag belts to prevent it from tangling, swinging or falling. The paperclip device can be moved upwards or downwards so that you can keep it at exact height as you want it to be. Then lay back, hit the PLAY, and enjoy the clear rich sound quality delivered to your ears. After use, simply follow the instruction to coil up the earphone cord. Next time, you’ll be ready to conduct an impeccable performance!

讓「迴紋針耳機」登場為你聰明地解決耳機線常見的固定與收納困擾,確保流暢的聆聽體驗不落拍!使用時,將耳機線上的迴紋裝置夾附在衣領處、上衣口袋或包包背帶上,即可俐落地固定容易晃動或打結的耳機線,且內埋線材為可動式,讓你可依不同的穿搭條件,調整適當的高低位置;準備就緒後,按下PLAY 鍵,盡情享受耳際傳來的既清晰又立體、層次豐富且分明的美好音色;使用結束後,只需執行簡單的纏繞步驟,即可輕鬆完成耳機收納。下次PLAY,一定要畫下完美的休止符!

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PAPERCLIP earphone has a 3.5 mm audio jack that works with most players and computer devices in the market. The paperclip device, made of durable resilient PC (Polycarbonate), is capable of taking general cloth thickness. The shaping detail of the rising tongue at the paperclip edge allows the user to attach it to clothes effortlessly. The housing, made of glittering aluminum-alloy, performs delicate quality. 3 pairs of soft silicone earphone buds in S, M, and L size come with the product in the pack to offer a ultimate comfortable, noise-reducing fit. The product carry one-year limited warranty.


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:: PAPERCLIP earphone | 迴紋針耳機 ::

iRock: 第一台可發電的搖椅

是說有好一陣子沒有看到用 i 開頭的產品名稱了,一方面應該是膩了,一方面這個世界也已經全面蘋果化,再也不用那個 i 來提醒該產品與蘋果之間有連結。搖椅這東西,不知道為什麼近來也成了室內空間中的裝置品,縱然未必常坐它但空間中有了它卻可以增添點小文青的氣息。iRock 是一張上面有著 iPad 基座的搖椅,在椅子的上方還有音箱,坐著它還能聽到流瀉的音樂感覺滿酷的,不過馬上想到的是邊搖邊看 iPad不知道頭會不會很暈,更厲害的是,這搖椅邊搖還能邊發電邊充 iPad,想起來環保又方便,只是快沒電了我想還是直接拿去插插頭比較快。

iRock 預計售價1300歐元。


iRock: The World’s First Power-Generating iPad Rocking Chair:


iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings Category

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings Category

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings Category

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings Category

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings Category

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings Category

(Via Design Milk)

Jeremy Scott-designed Custom Smart ForTwo

Jeremy Scott 無疑是這兩年(對我來說)最有爭議也最有趣的設計師觀察了,不管是引人側目的熊寶貝娃娃、飛天翅膀的球鞋、還是閃電的的腕表、一系列嚇死人不償命的服裝系列,雖然顯然本來不可能進入日常生活的高調配件,竟然成了一股流行並且大家引以為傲的穿著。即使我還是覺得過了五年後再回來看現在穿著這些東西在身上的畫面絕對是不忍卒睹,但是能夠讓這樣的風格登上(大雅)之堂,我覺得還是一件非常有趣且值得觀察的事情。

Mercedes 把他找來做了一台飛天 smart 車,雖然他一定飛不上天,開在路上引人側目的效果一如以往,這就是 Jeremy Scott 流。


Jeremy Scott-designed Custom Smart ForTwo:


 Jeremy Scott designed Custom Smart ForTwo

Fashion designer Jeremy Scott designs teamed-up with Smart forTwo to design a custom car. The mini smart car features electricity-powered engine and trademark of Jeremy Scott in the shape of big wings at rear. [Watch the Gallery]

(Via Design You Trust)