


不過反正說來說去都還不是為了降低成本多賺點毛利,反正「創意不值錢,做出來了才值錢」,所以誰有辦法誰心臟大顆敢去做已經值錢了的創意也許就更容易成功。那麼,我們又為何必須那麼執著於所謂的原創?真的是沒解答的好問題。底下的圖大家看看笑笑就罷了,到底有沒有那麼一回事,原創精神到底值不值得,We may never know the secret。


Western movie posters and their chinese counterparts:


We already knew the fake chinese products like phones, tablets, watches, DVDs,… but not the graphic design of movie posters yet. These posters are an example of how chinese movie poster designers copy posters without any shame.


(Via Design daily news)

Moooi founders regain majority ownership of brand


Casper Marcel2012

用「美麗」的荷蘭文並加諸額外的品牌價值的Moooi,發表了由創辦人Marcel Wanders 和 Casper Vissers共同取得75%的股權。因為義大利的B&B注入的資金,讓這個年輕有創造力的品牌得以快速的成長。一開始那種強烈的裝置藝術的氛圍令人難以接受他們在家居空間中的存在,不過藉由各種風格獨特的商業和藝術空間,讓這些獨具生命力的產品逐漸獲得認可。一直很崇拜Moooi的商業模式能夠把非主流的風格帶入主流市場中,以另類的產品創造出業績。這不是從消費者那邊找現有的需求,而是開創出從來沒有存在過的需求。

不過似乎有好一陣子Moooi沒有讓人驚艷的東西了,但Marcel Wanders 和 Casper Vissers拿回大部份的股份是否真的意味著我們即將可以看到更不一樣的Moooi嗎?我自己覺得值得期待。

Moooi founders regain majority ownership of brand:

From the end of February this year a major change has taken place in the financial structure of Dutch ground breaking design brand Moooi. After seven years of having owned half of the company’s shares, the time has come for the Moooi founders Casper Vissers and Marcel Wanders to regain their majority and reaffirm their strong belief in the company’s value and immense potential.

This story starts 12 years ago, when the paths of Marcel Wanders and Casper Vissers crossed. Ever since they have collaborated intensively together, sharing the same passion for beauty & design. They complemented each other right from the beginning and to this day Marcel is the obstinate, passionate designer with a nose for business, and Casper the driven marketer with a keen eye for design. They represent the perfect synergy between passion & ratio.

They founded Moooi in 2001, dividing the company’s shares equally, and decided to name the venture after the native Dutch word for beautiful: the third ‘o’ in the brand name standing for an extra value in terms of beauty & uniqueness.

After one year both founders teamed up with entrepreneur Hans Lensvelt, who owns the office furniture business LENSVELT in Breda and was thrilled to get on board. He gave Moooi a home by exchanging his facilities and a small money injection for a share of 33,33% in Moooi.
Moooi was a steady growing business that gained huge attention in the international design field, becoming a famous brand that conquered an important position in the design industry, with a portfolio that already included pieces from nationally & internationally recognised designers. The collection has always been exclusive, daring, playful, exquisite & based on the belief that design is an expression of love.

Moooi’s success rapidly spread far beyond the Dutch borders and in 2006 Giorgio Busnelli, the Chairman of B&B Italia, one of the design leaders of the international furniture industry, saw its potential and acquired 50% of Moooi’s shares. To everyone’s satisfaction the synergy between B&B Italia & Moooi, under the full management of Vissers and Wanders, worked out very well. During the last six years Moooi has continued to grow speedily and tripled its capacity up to a 17 million euro turnover in 2011.

Wanders and Vissers have been running Moooi ever since its launch in 2001. Wanders acting as art director & main designer and Vissers as company CEO. A couple of months ago they proposed new share positions which would reflect better the created synergy for Moooi. As a result of this, last Wednesday the 29th of February, the original founders Marcel Wanders and Casper Vissers bought back the remaining Hans Lensvelt share of 10% and half of B&B Italia’s quota, regaining the majority of Moooi’s shares. In the end 75% of Moooi’s shares are back to the company’s founders and 25% remain with B&B Italia, still an esteemed and synergetic partner for the company’s business. Hans Lensvelt will always be regarded as a member of honor and lifetime friend for Moooi.

The coming years will represent strong continuous growth for Moooi. The team is now ready to progressively expand the current distribution pattern. All regions are growing with huge upside and there are great opportunities in areas like the Far East & South America where currently Moooi’s business is growing at a very fast pace. Wanders, Vissers and B&B Italia will continue building and growing Moooi’s potential with their winning team of talented people. “The people working for Moooi are the largest asset of the company and the reason why the investment was done last week”, explains Casper Vissers.

During the last eleven years it has been broadly proven that Moooi has the knowledge, people & facilities to continue growing in the design branch. “Moooi is “the unexpected welcome” with its playful, daring and innovative design icons, but perhaps also for the way we do our business” pronounces Casper Vissers. As Marcel and Casper well know this is their story, the biography of Moooi and a lifetime achievement. A constant adventure with lots of great opportunities, battles to be fought and of course, as all real stories it has an open end…


(Via dezeen)

月刊リアルデザイン 休刊のお知らせ

向來很喜歡看的日本雜誌Real Design即將要休刊了,真是個令人遺憾的消息。RD每一期都有不同的主題,無論是介紹經典設計,或是以皮革包件文具為主的介紹,常常都讓人眼界大開,其中常常去偷翻各界達人的包包裡面藏有什麼有趣的小物也都是值得津津樂道的題材。有趣的是RD雖然是以月刊形式發表,卻經常是「未來雜誌」:比如二月份就已經出了一月刊和二月刊。也許是內容並無時效性的限制所以可以如此進行著吧?三月中發表的五月刊即將是RD的最後身影,本來已經轉到Zinio上面翻RD,最後這幾期還是去找找實體文本回來擺在書架上當作一個紀念吧。


月刊リアルデザイン 休刊のお知らせ:





(Via 日刊リアルデザイン)