PINOCCHIO 小木偶眼鏡架 新上市
Design Concept
When we get up in the morning we put on our heavy glasses,To separate ourselves from the ugly world, Allowing our true selves to be hidden in the small space behind the lenses, Energetically facing the business of everyday life with its lies and temptations, Holding our noses high as we learn that there is no such thing as money that grows on trees, Not wanting to become a mule searching for a land where we don’t have to study or work, Even though the blue fairy from the fairy tales and her shiny magic wand will not appear, We should learn from the diligence of Pinocchio and his determination to push through failure and hardships.
商品特色Product Feature
Product Feature
Allow the PINOCCHIO Glasses Holder to help hold you up under the pressure of your daily burdens,using his strong nose to remind you to be true to your inner self. Every PINOCCHIO glasses holder is carved by Taiwan masters from Fagus, and allows you to hang your glasses on its wooden nose. Byusing the 3M damage-free hanging stripe that comes in the pack, you can easily have the stainless steel base attached to any wall surface and then have PINOCCHIO firmly attracted to it by its internal magnets. Now you can rest your glasses on it after long hours of wearing them. Wash your face, take a break, and get ready to face the challenges of the world.