MR.B 收納熊~全心豋場
Dimensions:L 35cm W 38cm D 50cm
Dimensions (with package):L 19cm W 21cm D 6.5cm
Weight(with package):300g
Material:eco TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)
小 時候,總要挑一個最特別的盒子來當作自己的寶物盒,不管是姑姑結婚的喜餅盒、還是爸爸出差從國外帶回來的糖果罐,都被撒嬌地拿來存放自己最喜愛的小東西: 第一次滿分的考卷、畢業後好友寄來的生日卡片,還有那個斯文男生親手編的幸運手環,全都被小小翼翼地放進盒裡,再輕輕地擺到桌面的小角落;長大後,生活被 一再重覆的忙碌佔據,會被好好收在盒子裡的只剩下帳單、會員卡、還有用剩的折價卷,但每當遇到挫折、沮喪和委屈時,總會重新打開那個早已生鏽斑駁的寶物 盒,讓裡面的物件勾起一幕幕令人懷念的畫面,讓過往的歡樂記憶與他開朗的笑聲陪伴著度過每個哭泣、孤單的時刻,然後再強打起精神重新出發!
When I was little, I always picked a very special container to be my ‘treasure box’. I would carefully put in my top favorites: A+ papers, birthday cards from friends, bracelet corsage from prom date, and then gently placed it at the desk corner. After I grew up, life was occupied by non-stop busy work. Instead of ‘treasures’, only bills, membership cards, and unused coupons were properly kept in boxes. However, whenever I felt down, I would re-open my treasure box of childhood and let these reminiscent objects take me back to the good old days. The recalled memories of happiness or an important person’s encouraging words were a great comfort to me through every lonely moment and would cheer me up for starting off again.
商品特色Product Feature
MR.B is a sweet bear who collects your possessions or the objects of your memories. No matter they are as trivial as tickets from journeys, postcards from best friends, used post-it-notes or mere receipts of grocery stores, you can feed them all to MR.B. Not only can you have doll-sized MR.B sitting on your desk, lying on your sofa, or sleeping by your side, you can also keep him and his big smile loving company to share happiness and bitterness with. Being made of the translucent waterproof and rustproof eco TPU material, MR.B is visible of how much he is fed and is durable enough to be a lifetime buddy.
With the fabric, the buttons, and the stitches made by professional hands, MR.B has a lovely and delicate look plus considerable strength for holding stuffed objects during long-term use. The recyclable eco TPU material is waterproof, scratchproof, dustproof and of no environmental hazards. The soft and smooth texture of the surface in addition yields pleasant feel when you hug him in arms even for 24 hours a day.
well~that's a Q idea
Posted by: momomori | 09/23/2010 at 10:36 上午